Healing with Haelly

10: Don't "Should" on Yourself

Haelly Kirk

Want to know how to avoid ruining your day? Don't should on yourself. This is such a memorable phrase to use when you find yourself arguing with reality.  Arguing with reality looks a little something like, "That dog barking is so annoying. Why won't its owner make it shut up." Dogs bark, its a part of life. Why argue with what is? This is the line of questioning from my favorite author and spiritual teacher Byron Katie. If you would like to get access to her website and worksheets on self reflection, click here for access.

In the podcast, I discuss the work of Michael Singer and his book, "Untethered Soul". If you would like to learn more about his work, please click here for details. I also mentioned briefly a book that was made into a movie called, "Eat, Pray, Love".  For more details on this, click here

If you are looking to change your life in 2024, look no further. I have a coaching program built just for you. Each month we will dive deep into limiting belief systems, thought patterns, habits, and so much more to take make your dream life a reality. Sign up for my 12 month coaching program before spots fill up, I’m only taking 15 clients who are serious about taking massive action towards their dream life.

Click here to get started!