Healing with Haelly

16. Your Life Awaits

Haelly Kirk

We are going down memory lane with this one! This episode is all about my thoughts on the movie Frozen and the amazing advice Elsa gives her sister Ana in a ballad saying, "Please go back home, your life awaits, enjoy the sun, and open up the gates."

Here is what we unpack:

  1. Where is home? I believe home is your center, your awakening, your consciousness. Many times we operate out of survival brain, or in unconsciousness. What do I mean by that? To illustrate im going to pull examples from the movie. Elsa in crippled with fear and operates out of this emotion and never even opens her bedroom door to interact with her sister which actually would help her and her fears. Anna could leave the castle but decides to stick to what is comfortable and known, operating out of survival instead of awareness of other alternatives or life choices. Anna is even offended that Elsa suggested she leave the castle when Anna says “I cant live like this anymore”. One of my favorite authors Byron Katie suggests that when we feel pain or discomfort by something someone says, there is work to do. There is something inside of us that believes what they said is true. 
  2. Your life awaits- this is my favorite part of the line of lyrics. To me this thought evokes emotions of hopefulness, anticipation, embarking on a new journey, offers a clean slate. This thought is jovial to me, it makes me want to be adventurous. I want to offer you my audience this thought to try on when you feel hopelessness. In honest, I’ve had my bouts of uncertainty and hopelessness during this time of job searching and unemployment. 
  3. Studies show that when we expose ourselves to 10-15 minutes (depending on skin tone) of sunlight we increase our Vitmain D and serotonin levels. Go enjoy the sun is quiet honestly some of the best advice you could give someone. It not only improves your mood, it improves your body and mind. In a literary sense the sun represents becoming and truth. Being outside as a mom has also helped me to feel free and not trapped in a house. I get a bigger perspective and get outside of myself. I feel like the voice in my head gets quiet and the silent observer, as Michael Singer would put it, becomes the stronger presence. 

4.The website Quoro explained that in literature, opening up the gates, “It can symbolize the passage from one condition to another, such as a physical or metaphorical entrance into a new phase of life, a shift in consciousness, or a journey between different worlds. The gate can also represent a boundary or barrier that separates and protects what lies beyond it.” Shifting consciousness is the greatest work we can do. Living unconsciously or by our survival minds doesn’t serve us at the highest level. We don’t show up as our true and authentic selves in this unconscious state. It is amazing how much more lively and fulfilled we can show up when we open up the gates of our hearts and our minds. 


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