Healing with Haelly

18: Mothers

Haelly Kirk

In today's belated Mothers Day themed podcast, we discuss my evolution of my relationship with my mother and how our greatest journey in life is learning how to love what created you. From my story, I hope you gain insight into how you can apply these principles to any strained or estranged relationships you may have with your family.

Here are the 3 things I recommend in the podcast to start your healing journey with your mother:

1. Write them a letter (you decide later if you actually want to give it to them). The first draft is unfiltered, purging of all emotions and experiences you had and tell them off! The second draft is doing a turn around. For example, "Mom, I can't stand that you embarrassed me in front of my friends when I was little." Then the turn around would be, "Mom I love that you didn't embarrass me in front of my friends." You sit in the turnaround and finds ways that it could possibly be true.

2. Start a Ho'oponopono practice regarding your mother for at least a week, I recommend a month. Click here to watch a video demonstrating how its done, skip to 25:33 if you want to just get right to the instructions.
Recite the following:
Im sorry
I love you
I forgive you
Thank you

3. Fill out a judge your neighbor worksheet. Click here for access to a free worksheet created by Bryon Katie.

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