Healing with Haelly

19: 5 Steps To Get You In Control of Your Brain

Haelly Kirk

This podcast is going to dive deep into one of my favorite coaching tools, The Model. This was developed by Brooke Castillo and rooted from the work of Bryon Katie. The model goes like this:

5 Steps

Circumstances: These are the facts, take out the drama. They said words, they did actions, are examples of circumstances. These are the things outside of you, the things you can't control.

This is what precedes the circumstance. When something happens what comes to mind, this is the drama. This is where the ego resides and dominates, or unconscious thought, the thoughts that just come to you without your awareness.

These are the emotions that come from the thoughts that you are thinking. These are one word answers like angry, sad, afraid, fearful, hopeless, happy, peaceful, joyful.

These are the behaviors you excude because of the the thoughts you are believing and emotions you are feeling.  Do you like the behaviors?

This is the conclusion of what you are thinking feeling and acting, what does this give you, do you like how you are showing up? Do you like the results, especially considering that sometimes you cant change circumstances all the time.


If you are looking to change your life in 2024, look no further. I have a coaching program built just for you. Each month we will dive deep into limiting belief systems, thought patterns, habits, and so much more to take make your dream life a reality. Sign up for my 12 month coaching program before spots fill up, I’m only taking 15 clients who are serious about taking massive action towards their dream life.

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