Healing with Haelly

20: Let Them Be Right & Wrong About You

Haelly Kirk

Weird right? Why would you want to let someone be right about you? Why do you want people to be wrong about you too? They sound like contradicting ideas right? 

In this episode we dive into the ideology of Byron Katie who created The Work. This simply means putting your thoughts to paper and inquiring. When people tell us things about ourselves we are immediately resisting and will only process things that validate our identities or reject things that don't align with our identities. 

Here are some take aways from her  book "A Mind at Home with Itself" that I love: 

  • The world is suffering, people think the mind needs to be controlled
  • The mind can never be controlled. it can only be questioned, loved and met with understanding. 
  • The mind is like an unruly child. Thoughts come one after the other to pester us and demand our attention like unloved children. Our job is to discern the difference between an internal argument and a state where we are open to listen and receive. Suffering appears when we try to control reality. When we think we are the source rather than the mirror image. Everything in the world is equal it’s all a reflection of the mind. We can notice the thought without believing it. We can notice it with a questioning mind. 

I explain how my last episode, episode 19 is almost a mistake in the title. The goal isn't to control our mind, it's to question and understand it. I make mistakes and constantly change what I think and how I approach coaching and philosophies. Im human what can I say lol. 

If you are looking to change your life in 2024, look no further. I have a coaching program built just for you. Each month we will dive deep into limiting belief systems, thought patterns, habits, and so much more to take make your dream life a reality. Sign up for my 12 month coaching program before spots fill up, I’m only taking 15 clients who are serious about taking massive action towards their dream life.

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